Saturday, January 22, 2011

the new pad

Originally created on Nov. 22, 2010

 Wendel: I know she's your friend and all, but this place gives me the creeps.
Jami: What why?
Wendel: I'm not a big fan of vampires to begin with. But to have them surrounding me, isn't the nicest feeling

Wendel: I propose a nice pub, or sports bar.
Jami: Oh, Wendel stop being such a baby.

Belisama: Oh Reuben, darling you have way to many girls in your house. You don't need to add another


Seb: Maybe Wendel is right. I can feel their eyes on me.

Jami: Aww, don't worry, I'll protect you.

Jami: I hate to do this, but I have to run. If I get caught by the cops one more time, my rents will kill me.

Belisama: Thanks for coming to my neck of the woods. Mm, you smell delicious
Jami: Yeah, don't get any ideas.


Since I have another baby on the way, though it was time to make room.
Jami get's her own little suite above the garage.

Her own sitting room. I've moved everything back a little, and have a tv, in front of the window

Her little study area, where she can work on her writing.

And her bedroom area. She has her own bathroom, but it's nothing special so I didn't take a picture


Adeyle: Ahh! The little monster is coming!

Another girl! Welcome Jayden!


Belisama: So your mom gets knocked up and you get your own suite?
Jami: Yupp

Belisama: Hrmm, I wonder if your rents are looking to adopt
Jami: I think they have enough of their own kids, thank you.

Belisama: Like seriously, have you seen her new pad? It's as big as my families whole apartment.

Seb: So now you have your own love pad
Jami: Seb I have a boyfriend, remember?

Seb: Oh, I get bf status now?
Jami: You know who I'm really talking about.

Seb: Well, what kind of boyfriend is he, if he's across the world?

Jami: A what the hell, you only live once, right?

 Seb: Well, any regrets?
Jami: Nope, you're not too bad.


April: Hrm, I wish that Jami gets kicked out and I get her room!
Devin: OMG! Another teen in the house! Nooooooeeezz
Adeyle: Shut up Devin, this is the moment I've been waiting for.

April: Are you ready to be ~dazzled~ ?

April: Enh, What did I tell you!

April: Muahahha, I told you I'd be hotter then you.

Adeyle: My baby! She's so beautiful. She looks like me!

April: I'm definitely the best at this whole growing up deal.
Adeyle: Don't get too cocky, we still have three more to go through

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